MapReduce programs are designed to compute large volumes of data in a parallel fashion. This requires dividing the workload across a large number of machines. This model would not scale to large clusters (hundreds or thousands of nodes) if the components were allowed to share data arbitrarily. The communication overhead required to keep the data on the nodes synchronized at all times would prevent the system from performing reliably or efficiently at large scale.
Instead, all data elements in MapReduce are immutable, meaning that they cannot be updated. If in a mapping task you change an input (key, value) pair, it does not get reflected back in the input files; communication occurs only by generating new output (key, value) pairs which are then forwarded by the Hadoop system into the next phase of execution.
List Processing
Conceptually, MapReduce programs transform lists of input data elements into lists of output data elements. A MapReduce program will do this twice, using two different list processing idioms: map, and reduce. These terms are taken from several list processing languages such as LISP, Scheme, or ML.
Mapping Lists
The first phase of a MapReduce program is called mapping. A list of data elements are provided, one at a time, to a function called the Mapper, which transforms each element individually to an output data element.

As an example of the utility of map: Suppose you had a function toUpper(str) which returns an uppercase version of its input string. You could use this function with map to turn a list of strings into a list of uppercase strings. Note that we are not modifying the input string here: we are returning a new string that will form part of a new output list.
Reducing Lists
Reducing lets you aggregate values together. A reducer function receives an iterator of input values from an input list. It then combines these values together, returning a single output value.

Reducing is often used to produce "summary" data, turning a large volume of data into a smaller summary of itself. For example, "+" can be used as a reducing function, to return the sum of a list of input values.
Putting Them Together in MapReduce:
The Hadoop MapReduce framework takes these concepts and uses them to process large volumes of information. A MapReduce program has two components: one that implements the mapper, and another that implements the reducer. The Mapper and Reducer idioms described above are extended slightly to work in this environment, but the basic principles are the same.
Keys and values: In MapReduce, no value stands on its own. Every value has a key associated with it. Keys identify related values. For example, a log of time-coded speedometer readings from multiple cars could be keyed by license-plate number; it would look like:
AAA-123 65mph, 12:00pm
ZZZ-789 50mph, 12:02pm
AAA-123 40mph, 12:05pm
CCC-456 25mph, 12:15pm
The mapping and reducing functions receive not just values, but (key, value) pairs. The output of each of these functions is the same: both a key and a value must be emitted to the next list in the data flow.
MapReduce is also less strict than other languages about how the Mapper and Reducer work. In more formal functional mapping and reducing settings, a mapper must produce exactly one output element for each input element, and a reducer must produce exactly one output element for each input list. In MapReduce, an arbitrary number of values can be output from each phase; a mapper may map one input into zero, one, or one hundred outputs. A reducer may compute over an input list and emit one or a dozen different outputs.
Keys divide the reduce space: A reducing function turns a large list of values into one (or a few) output values. In MapReduce, all of the output values are not usually reduced together. All of the values with the same key are presented to a single reducer together. This is performed independently of any reduce operations occurring on other lists of values, with different keys attached.

An Example Application: Word Count
A simple MapReduce program can be written to determine how many times different words appear in a set of files. For example, if we had the files:
foo.txt: Sweet, this is the foo file
bar.txt: This is the bar file
We would expect the output to be:
sweet 1
this 2
is 2
the 2
foo 1
bar 1
file 2
Naturally, we can write a program in MapReduce to compute this output. The high-level structure would look like this:
mapper (filename, file-contents):
for each word in file-contents:
emit (word, 1)
reducer (word, values):
sum = 0
for each value in values:
sum = sum + value
emit (word, sum)
Listing 4.1: High-Level MapReduce Word Count
Several instances of the mapper function are created on the different machines in our cluster. Each instance receives a different input file (it is assumed that we have many such files). The mappers output (word, 1) pairs which are then forwarded to the reducers. Several instances of the reducer method are also instantiated on the different machines. Each reducer is responsible for processing the list of values associated with a different word. The list of values will be a list of 1's; the reducer sums up those ones into a final count associated with a single word. The reducer then emits the final (word, count) output which is written to an output file.
We can write a very similar program to this in Hadoop MapReduce; it is included in the Hadoop distribution in src/examples/org/apache/hadoop/examples/ It is partially reproduced below:
public static class MapClass extends MapReduceBase
implements Mapper
private final static IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1);
private Text word = new Text();
public void map(LongWritable key, Text value,
Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
String line = value.toString();
StringTokenizer itr = new StringTokenizer(line);
while (itr.hasMoreTokens()) {
output.collect(word, one);
* A reducer class that just emits the sum of the input values.
public static class Reduce extends MapReduceBase
implements Reducer
public void reduce(Text key, Iterator
Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
int sum = 0;
while (values.hasNext()) {
sum +=;
output.collect(key, new IntWritable(sum));
Listing 4.2: Hadoop MapReduce Word Count Source
There are some minor differences between this actual Java implementation and the pseudo-code shown above. First, Java has no native emit keyword; the OutputCollector object you are given as an input will receive values to emit to the next stage of execution. And second, the default input format used by Hadoop presents each line of an input file as a separate input to the mapper function, not the entire file at a time. It also uses a StringTokenizer object to break up the line into words. This does not perform any normalization of the input, so "cat", "Cat" and "cat," are all regarded as different strings. Note that the class-variable word is reused each time the mapper outputs another (word, 1) pairing; this saves time by not allocating a new variable for each output. The output.collect() method will copy the values it receives as input, so you are free to overwrite the variables you use.
The Driver Method
There is one final component of a Hadoop MapReduce program, called the Driver. The driver initializes the job and instructs the Hadoop platform to execute your code on a set of input files, and controls where the output files are placed. A cleaned-up version of the driver from the example Java implementation that comes with Hadoop is presented below:
public void run(String inputPath, String outputPath) throws Exception {
JobConf conf = new JobConf(WordCount.class);
// the keys are words (strings)
// the values are counts (ints)
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(conf, new Path(inputPath));
FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, new Path(outputPath));
Listing 4.3: Hadoop MapReduce Word Count Driver
This method sets up a job to execute the word count program across all the files in a given input directory (the inputPath argument). The output from the reducers are written into files in the directory identified by outputPath. The configuration information to run the job is captured in the JobConf object. The mapping and reducing functions are identified by the setMapperClass() and setReducerClass() methods. The data types emitted by the reducer are identified by setOutputKeyClass() and setOutputValueClass(). By default, it is assumed that these are the output types of the mapper as well. If this is not the case, the methods setMapOutputKeyClass() and setMapOutputValueClass() methods of the JobConf class will override these. The input types fed to the mapper are controlled by the InputFormat used. Input formats are discussed in more detail below. The default input format, "TextInputFormat," will load data in as (LongWritable, Text) pairs. The long value is the byte offset of the line in the file. The Text object holds the string contents of the line of the file.
The call to JobClient.runJob(conf) will submit the job to MapReduce. This call will block until the job completes. If the job fails, it will throw an IOException. JobClient also provides a non-blocking version called submitJob().